Effects of Dance Instructor’s Authentic Leadership on Organizational Identification and Exercise Adherence 조직동일시 및 운동지속의사에 대한 무용 지도자의 진성리더십 영향
강미현 Kang Mihyun , 한준영 Han JoonYoung
Authentic leadership has drawn attention in recreational dance, so it is inevitable to verify the organizational identification and the exercise adherence in order to promote the recreational dance based on the authentic leadership. Thus, the purpose of this study is to prepare ways for the instructor to deal with participants on the effects of the authentic leadership of the recreational dance instructor on the organizational identification and exercise adherence. An on-line survey was conducted through convenience sampling method, and 312 responses were analyzed using regression analyses. According to the results, firstly, self-awareness and internalized moral perspectives influenced organizational identification. Second, self-awareness and relational transparency have effects on the tendency of exercise adherence. Also, self-awareness and internalized moral views influenced to the possibility. And, self-awareness had a positive effect on the strengthening of exercise adherence. Third, the organizational identification had a positive effect on the exercise adherence.
The Effectiveness of the C˚ Rule Perceived by College Student-Athletes 대학 학생선수들이 지각하는 C˚ 규정의 실효성 분석
권형일 Hyungil Kwon , 최미화 Mihwa Choi
The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of C⁰ which was developed to help student-athletes build their career plan after their sport career. To accomplish the purpose of the study, total of 19 student-athletes from soccer and baseball were secured for a focus group interview(FGI). The data from the FGI were analyzed through thematic analysis. The results of the analyses generated three themes and six sub-themes. The first theme was labeled as ‘Studying right is not my right’, which included two sub-themes of ‘Different perspective on the C⁰ rule’ and ‘Student-athletes are fragile’. The second theme was ‘What I study is not relevant to my future career’, which included ‘Nobody wants diversed majors’ and ‘Studying is a fake hope’ as its sub-themes. The third theme was ‘Taking classes as a career preparation’, which included two sub-themes of ‘longing for what I can do’ and ‘need of understanding myself’. This result can be used as empirical data for future studies seeking to find the effectiveness of the C⁰ rule. It could also contribute to developing policies that can help student-athletes prepare for their career plan.
Key Words
대학학생선수, C˚규정, 학습권보장제, 사회진출준비, 초점집단면접, College student-athletes, C˚ rule, Learning guarantee system, Preparation for social advancement, Focus group interview
The Relationship between Participation Motivation and Exercise Addiction in Badminton as a Leisure Activity: Based on Self-determination Theory 배드민턴 여가스포츠 참여자의 참여 동기와 운동 중독 간 관계 모형 분석: 자기결정이론의 동기 유형을 바탕으로
The Relationship between Participation Motivation and Exercise Addiction in Badminton as a Leisure Activity: Based on Self-determination Theory 배드민턴 여가스포츠 참여자의 참여 동기와 운동 중독 간 관계 모형 분석: 자기결정이론의 동기 유형을 바탕으로
전성범 Sung Bum Chun
The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of motivation to participate in badminton as a leisure activity on exercise addiction tendency. Participants’ motivation was categorized by self-determination theory. The study participants were people who participated in badminton activities as a leisure activity. The sampling criteria were participants who have participated in badminton as a leisure activity within the last 6 months. 351 participants’ data were collected for the analysis. The results from the model analysis are as follows. First, among the motivations to participate in badminton, the strongest and most self-determining factors, which are intrinsic motivation, integrated regulation, and identified regulation, did not affect exercise addiction. Second, introjected regulation, which is primarily a motivation to avoid psychological guilt, had a significant effect on exercise addiction. Third, the least deterministic external regulation did not affect badminton exercise addiction, whereas amotivation, a state of lack of participation motive, had a positively significant effect on exercise addiction.
Differences in Sports Safety Awareness between Recreational and Elite Soccer Players 생활스포츠 축구선수와 엘리트 축구선수 간 스포츠 안전 인식도의 차이
이인제 Lee Inje , 이세용 Lee Sae Yong , 하성희 Ha Sunghe
This study aimed to analyze differences in sports safety awareness between recreational and elite soccer players in adolescents and the twenties. We used the raw data of ‘the 2019 Sports safety accident data’ conducted by the Korea Sports Safety Foundation for this study. We analyzed all answers for 16 questions from 4 categories by 99 recreational soccer players and 322 elite soccer players. Mann-Whitney U test and Chi-square analysis were conducted to identify mean differences between two groups. Elite soccer players showed higher scores for most of all questions. In addition, there were differences in frequency of answers of ‘warm-up session before sports participation’, ‘cool-down session after sports participation’, ‘changes in sports activity after injury’, ‘reasons of decrease and interruption of sports activity’, and ‘reasons for not attending sports safety education’ between two groups. Based on our findings, we recommend the following perspectives: 1) the sports safety education program will be developed based on research results from clinical fields and sports safety awareness should be improved by the developed program; 2) researchers should cooperate with clinical staffs to translate research into policy.
Key Words
스포츠 부상 관리, 손상예방, 안전사고, 생활체육, Sports Injury management, Injury Prevention, Safety accident, Sports for all
Roles and Tasks of Life Sports Instructors in the Post-Corona Era 포스트 코로나 시대 생활스포츠지도자의 역할과 과제
Roles and Tasks of Life Sports Instructors in the Post-Corona Era 포스트 코로나 시대 생활스포츠지도자의 역할과 과제
함명환 Ham Myoung-hwan , 남윤호 Nam Yoon Ho
The purpose of this study is to derive the new roles and tasks of life sports instructors in the post-corona era through relevant findings and suggestions related to changes in life sports instruction as a result of COVID-19. Within the context of a significant change in environmental factors guiding exercise, life sports instructors are required to play the following roles. First, roles as ‘entertainers and creators' are required. This is a necessary role in the era of ‘connection' rather than ‘contact'. Second, in the post-corona era, where one-on-one membership classes are the main trend rather than classes in public spaces used by the general population, sports coaching should be provided under the concept of ‘personalization’ tailored to the individuals’ characteristics. Third, sports instructors must fulfill their role as ‘early-adopters'. Amid the flow of environmental change created by COVID-19, life sports instructors should serve as ‘sports mentor’ to encourage learners to enjoy sports in a variety of ways and cultivate sport literacy.
Key Words
생활스포츠지도자, 생활스포츠지도자의 역할과 과제, 포스트 코로나 시대의 스포츠, Life sports instructors, Roles and tasks of life sport instructors, Sport in the post-corona era
Structural Relationship among Authentic Leadership, Trust in the Leader, and Dropout Intention of University Taekwondo Athletes' 대학태권도선수의 진성리더십, 지도자신뢰, 포기의도의 구조적 관계
Structural Relationship among Authentic Leadership, Trust in the Leader, and Dropout Intention of University Taekwondo Athletes' 대학태권도선수의 진성리더십, 지도자신뢰, 포기의도의 구조적 관계
신성진 Shin Seong Jin
The purpose of this study was to analyze the structural relationships among University Taekwondo Athletes' Authentic Leadership, Leader Trust, and Dropout Intention to broadly understand Athletes' Intention to Dropout exercise, and to provide basic data to confirm the influence of Authentic Leadership and Leader Trust. There was a meaning of for this purpose, the researcher randomly selected 15 Taekwondo teams from among University Taekwondo teams located in the metropolitan area (Seoul, Incheon, Gyeonggi) and Jeonbuk, and sampled 350 Taekwondo Athletes'. Excluding 38 copies judged to be inconsistent among these responses, a total of 312 data were used for the final analysis. The research tool was used by modifying and supplementing the structured survey tool used for development and research in previous studies. To verify this research hypothesis, Window SPSS Ver. 22.0 program was used to perform frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and post-hoc verification. AMOS Ver. 22.0 program was used to perform confirmatory factor analysis, correlation verification, and structural equation model analysis. The analysis results were as follows. First, there were significant differences in some variables according to the demographic characteristics of University Taekwondo Athletes'. Second, the sincere leadership (Human Communication, Self-Growth) of University Taekwondo Athletes' had a positive (+) effect on Leader Trust. Third, the trust in the leader of University Taekwondo Athletes' had a negative (-) effect on the Dropout Intention. Fourth, the sincere leadership (Human Communication) of University Taekwondo Athletes' had a negative (-) effect on the Dropout Intention.
A Research Regarding the Role of Civil Society Organization for Healthy Sports Culture: A Case of the “Civic Network for Justice in Sport” 스포츠 분야 시민사회단체의 역할에 관한 연구: “체육시민연대”를 중심으로
A Research Regarding the Role of Civil Society Organization for Healthy Sports Culture: A Case of the “Civic Network for Justice in Sport” 스포츠 분야 시민사회단체의 역할에 관한 연구: “체육시민연대”를 중심으로
홍덕기 Hong Deock Ki , 임용석 Yim Yong Suk
The purpose of this study was to examine the role of civil society organization for healthy sports culture in South Korea. To do this, ‘Civic Network for Justice in Sport(CNJS)’ which is one of the representative civil society organization in sport arena was analyzed as a case study. Specifically, the documents and mass media news regarding the CNJS during 2002-2021 were collected. In addition, the interviews were conducted for six research participants who have worked at the CNJS as key players over 10 years. The data were analyzed using content and domain analysis procedures. The results were as follows. First, the ‘20 years of the CNJS, following the journey of life’ showed 1) the establishment process of the CNJS, 2) the essential project, 3) the planning project, 4) the solidarity project. and 5) the organization project. Second, the ‘rediscovering the life journey of the CNJS’ showed 1) achievements, 2) limitations, and 3) future tasks.
Key Words
스포츠정책, 스포츠인권, 시민사회, 거버넌스, 체육시민연대, Sports Policy, Human Rights in Sports, Civil Society, Governance, Civic Network for Justice in Sport
Analysis of Creativity Contents in Physical Education Textbooks Based on the 2015-Revised Curriculum: Focusing on the Competition Area for the 3rd and 4th Grades of Elementary School 2015개정 교육과정에 기반한 체육교과서의 창의성 교육 내용분석: 초등학교 3, 4학년 경쟁영역을 중심으로
Analysis of Creativity Contents in Physical Education Textbooks Based on the 2015-Revised Curriculum: Focusing on the Competition Area for the 3rd and 4th Grades of Elementary School 2015개정 교육과정에 기반한 체육교과서의 창의성 교육 내용분석: 초등학교 3, 4학년 경쟁영역을 중심으로
장병권 Byungkweon Chang
The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for improvement of physical education textbooks by analyzing the contents of creativity education contained in the competition area of physical education textbooks for grades 3 and 4 of elementary school. The collected data are 16 types of 3rd and 4th grade certified textbooks developed based on the 2015-revised physical education curriculum. For data analysis, a framework for analyzing creativity education content in a physical education textbook developed based on Rhodes’ 4P model was used. The results are as follows. First, from the viewpoint of creative person, there were many activities related to ‘inquiry mind’. Second, from the viewpoint of creative process, ‘learning’ was the most, and there were many activities to apply, transform, or develop games. Third, from the viewpoint of creative product, the way of activity was ‘thinking’ a lot, and the elements of creativity appeared relatively evenly. Fourth, from the viewpoint of creative press, there were no restrictions on space and media, but there were many indirect experience activities. According to the analysis of textbooks, simple game transformation and making were the mainstays in the state of lack of understanding of creativity education. Creativity education in physical education in the future should be a systematic form that includes a creative process.
The Structural Relationship among Behavior Intention and Relationship Satisfaction and Sport Organization’s Brand 3i through Social Contribution Activities: Focusing on the Kumdo Organization 사회공헌활동을 통한 스포츠조직의 브랜드3i와 관계만족 및 행동의도와의 관계: 검도조직을 중심으로
The Structural Relationship among Behavior Intention and Relationship Satisfaction and Sport Organization’s Brand 3i through Social Contribution Activities: Focusing on the Kumdo Organization 사회공헌활동을 통한 스포츠조직의 브랜드3i와 관계만족 및 행동의도와의 관계: 검도조직을 중심으로
최용석 Choi Yong Suk , 신승호 Shin Seung Ho
The purpose of this study is to verify the structural relationships among relationship satisfaction, behavior intention, and brand 3i(identity, image, integrity) of the sport organization through social contribution activities. To do this, compare the brand identity of the Kumdo organization before and after revealing information on ongoing social contribution activities. Also, analyze the brand identity, brand image, brand integrity, relationship satisfaction, and behavior intentions to draw a differentiated marketing strategy for Kumdo in the highly competitive sport environment and to provide empirical data as a supporting means of developing Kumdo as a sport brand. Subjects of this research were chosen voluntarily as Kumdo players training in clubs in the Korean Kumdo Association in Seoul and in Gyeonggi province. A total of 443 people participated in the questionnaire, and 435 replies were used for the final analysis. Eight replies were deemed inadequate due to poor reliability. Results of the data processing are as follows.
First, the brand identity had significant increases after providing information on social contribution activities performed by the Kumdo organization. Secondly, the brand identity of the Kumdo organization through social contribution activities had significant effects on both brand image and integrity, and brand reputation in brand identity had significant effects on the relationship satisfaction. Thirdly, the brand image of the Kumdo organization through social contribution activities had significant effects on both brand integrity and relationship satisfaction, and the brand benefit had significant effects on the behavioral intention. Fourthly, the brand integrity of the Kumdo organization through social contribution activities had significant effects on the relationship satisfaction. Fifth, the relationship satisfaction of Kumdo participants had significant effects on the behavior intention.
Priority Comparison for Legacy Creation of International Sports Competitions using AHP: Asian Games and World University Games AHP를 활용한 국제스포츠경기대회 레거시 개발 우선순위 비교: 아시아경기대회와 세계대학경기대회를 중심으로
Priority Comparison for Legacy Creation of International Sports Competitions using AHP: Asian Games and World University Games AHP를 활용한 국제스포츠경기대회 레거시 개발 우선순위 비교: 아시아경기대회와 세계대학경기대회를 중심으로
장익영 Chang Ik Young , 최준규 Choi June Kyu
The purpose of this study was to analyze the priority for legacy creation of international sports competition and to identify if there are differences in the priorities depending on competitions. For the purpose, two separate rounds of paired comparison survey were conducted on 20 experts from October to November in 2020. The results indicate the followings. Firstly, the experts recognized Asian Games(AG) as a bigger competition than World University Games(UG) in terms of their size. Secondly, for both AG and UG, ‘sporting legacy’ was the most important type of legacy of all 5 types. The other 4 types of legacy showed slight differences in their importance weights between the two competitions. Thirdly, for both competitions, ‘sustainable post-event usage of sporting venues’ was the most crucial legacy benefit among 15 legacy benefits, followed by ‘enhancing participation in sport for all’ and ‘improvement in transport infrastructure’. On the other hand, other legacy benefits showed mixed results. For AG, ‘enhancing host-region/nation’s international prestige’ indicated relatively high importance and ranked 5th. However, it showed relatively low importance and ranked 10th for UG. ‘Urban regeneration’ and ‘stimulating related industries such as tourism and construction’ showed more relative importance for AG, 6th and 7th respectively, than for UG, 13th and 14th respectively.
Key Words
국제스포츠경기대회, 레거시, 아시아경기대회, 세계대학경기대회, AHP, International Sports Competition, Legacy, Asian Games, World University Games
A Policy Plan for the Sustainable Success of Korean Women’s Professional Volleyball League: Applying Delphi Method V-리그 여자 프로배구의 지속적 흥행을 위한 정책 방안: 델파이 기법을 활용하여
A Policy Plan for the Sustainable Success of Korean Women’s Professional Volleyball League: Applying Delphi Method V-리그 여자 프로배구의 지속적 흥행을 위한 정책 방안: 델파이 기법을 활용하여
정윤덕 Yunduk Jeong
The purpose of this study was to provide useful information to the Korean Volleyball Federation and seven women’s professional volleyball teams by seeking policy plans for the sustainable success of the Korean women’s professional volleyball league. Twenty experts in the field of professional women’s volleyball were invited to participate in the Delphi process. After three-round Delphi, sixteen factors for Korean volleyball federation and women’s professional volleyball team sectors were derived to promote professional women’s volleyball league. For the Korean volleyball federation sector, the following factors were derived: 1) Activation of clubs’ youth academy; 2) Treatment for psychological distress; 3) Naming the city in the team name; 4) Hosing a competition in the city that has not a volleyball team; 5) Operation of educational programs to strengthen the competence of the team’s employees; 6) Efforts to revitalize the Free agents’ system for athletes; 7) Increasing the salary cap, and 8) Improving the polarization of the funding for the rookie draft. For women’s professional volleyball team sectors, the following factors were derived: 1) Strengthening marketing using social media; 2) Diversification of the team’s profit structure; 3) Fostering star players; 4) Activation of sportainment marketing; 5) Reinforcement of social contribution activities; 6) Recruitment of sports counselors; 7) Improving the physical environment of the stadium, and 8) Improving the organizational culture. Therefore, women’s professional volleyball teams should recognize the importance of the sixteen factors proposed above for the development of the league.
Trauma Experiences of College Athletes in Peer Relationship 대학운동선수가 동료 관계에서 겪는 외상경험
장유라 Jang Yura , 김한별 Kim Hanbyul
The purpose of this study is to investigate the types of trauma experiences that college athletes experience in their peer relationships and emotions caused by types of trauma. Seventy-five athletes from eleven universities were selected as participants in the open survey, and eight athletes from five universities were selected for in-depth interviews. The results of the study are as follows: First, the types of trauma experiences that college athletes experience in their relationships with their seniors were shown in the order of “Violence”, “Errand”, “Psychological distress”, “Violation of privacy”, and “Disturbance of exercise.” Second, the types of trauma experiences that college athletes experience in their relationships with their peers were shown in the order of “Joint responsibility,” “Opinion confrontation,” “Violence,” and “Mental harassment.” Third, the types of trauma experiences that college athletes experience in their relationships with their juniors were in the order of “Joint responsibility”, “Opposition of opinions”, “Rudeness”, “Creating division” and “Disturbance of exercise”. Fourth, the emotions caused by the trauma experiences of college athletes in their peer relationships were shown in the order of “Anger-Hostility,” “Depression- Disappointment”, “Nervous-Anxiety”, “Chaos- Confusion”, and “other”. Through this study, it is expected that university athletes will be able to understand the trauma in depth which they experience in their peer relationships. It also hopes to improve the environment of athletes. Furthermore, it is expected to be used as a basic data for developing professional ethics and human rights education programs in sports institutions.
Key Words
대학운동선수, 동료 관계, 외상, 스포츠 인권, College athletes, Peer relationships, Trauma, Sport right
Designing and Practicing of Health Running Class Based on Blended Learning in Middle School: Focused on Connection between P.E Class and After-School Physical Activity 블렌디드 러닝을 활용한 중학교 건강 달리기 수업의 설계와 실천: 체육수업과 방과후 신체활동의 연계를 중심으로
Designing and Practicing of Health Running Class Based on Blended Learning in Middle School: Focused on Connection between P.E Class and After-School Physical Activity 블렌디드 러닝을 활용한 중학교 건강 달리기 수업의 설계와 실천: 체육수업과 방과후 신체활동의 연계를 중심으로
손유민 Shon Youmin , 김보람 Kim Boram
This study was attempted to explore the applicability, achievements and limitations of blended learning for P.E class by designing and practicing a health running class based on blened learning for solving insufficient exercises and health problems of middle school students. So, this study was to design health running class based on blended learning by linking face-to-face class, online class and after-school physical activity, and using moblie applications and eduacationl online platforms. This class was implemented in the 1st grade of S middle school of 133 students(5 coeducationl classes), and five students of them participated in this study as interviewees. For analysing the achievements and limitations of this class, five participants were interviewed, and the collected data was analyzed using Creswell's spiral data analysis methodology. The results of this study were as follows. First, through the exercise information provided by Nike Running Club, students were able to immerse themselves in the running exercise, and the challenging and competitive tasks presented in the class acted as a motivator for autonomous running and running exercise participation. Second, students were countinued to participate in runing exercises communicating with the teacher in blended classes, although the teacher was in the same place. Third, the students experienced the changes in their daily life with running by repeating the cyclical repetition of running exercise. Lastly, excessive exercise tasks, lack of diversity in physical activity, and blind spots in learning management were pointed out as problems of this class to be improved in the future. Through these results, this study suggests develpoing and improving the mobile execrise application for students, extending scope of research on P.E classes based on blended leraning, strengthening teacher training for technology application.
Key Words
블렌디드 러닝, 건강 달리기, 방과후 신체활동 연계, Blended leraning, Health ruuning, Connection between P.E class and after-school physical activity
Analysis of US National Physical Education Curriculum: Focused on Comparison with the 2015 Revised Elementary Physical Education Curriculum 미국 국가수준 체육과 교육과정 분석: 2015 개정 초등 체육과 교육과정과의 비교를 중심으로
Analysis of US National Physical Education Curriculum: Focused on Comparison with the 2015 Revised Elementary Physical Education Curriculum 미국 국가수준 체육과 교육과정 분석: 2015 개정 초등 체육과 교육과정과의 비교를 중심으로
배명훈 Myeonghun Bae
The purpose of this study was to analyze the contents of the US national physical education curriculum and to compare with Korean elementary physical education curriculum. Accordingly, the specific contents of the US national physical education curriculum were presented by dividing them into goal, method, content, and evaluation, and the implications for the Korean curriculum were explored by analyzing the meaning. Overall, the direction of physical education of the US and Korea is similar. In Korea, the realization of holistic education through the internalization of the value of physical activity and the cultivation of competencies, The US also advocates holistic education based on physical literacy. On the other hand, in the US, from kindergarten to fifth grade, the focus is on FMS and movement concepts. And based on this, the TGFU is applied extensively from the middle school course onwards, focusing on the application in various physical activity situations. In addition, based on the goal, the specific target skills are presented in the outcomes and the level to be achieved is presented in detail. However, the Korean elementary curriculum in grades 3 to 6 deals with FMS, movement concepts, and TGFU in a limited area, and focus on acquiring physical activity values based on examples of physical activity. And the curriculum presentation method is an abstract and rather general comprehensive statement from goal-content-method-evaluation. Currently, Korea is working on the development of the next curriculum. Therefore, there is a need to discuss the application of FMS and movement concepts to keep pace with the global trend. In addition, it is also necessary to discuss the specificity of the curriculum to increase the usability of the national curriculum.
Key Words
미국, 한국, 초등학교, 체육과 교육과정, US, Korea, Elementary school, Physical education curriculum
Effect of Servicescape of Professional Volleyball Stadium on Perceived Value, Spectator Satisfaction and Re-watching Intention 프로배구 경기장의 서비스스케이프가 지각된가치, 관람만족 및 재관람의도에 미치는 영향
Effect of Servicescape of Professional Volleyball Stadium on Perceived Value, Spectator Satisfaction and Re-watching Intention 프로배구 경기장의 서비스스케이프가 지각된가치, 관람만족 및 재관람의도에 미치는 영향
하재필 Jae-pil Ha , 임승재 Seung-jae Lim
The purpose of this study is to use the servicescape of a professional volleyball stadium to check the effect on the perceived value of professional volleyball spectators on viewing satisfaction and re-watching intention, and to provide empirical basic data for effective strategy establishment.The subject of the study conducted a survey through the fan cafes of each club because it was not possible to receive the survey directly due to the limited audience and no spectators due to the corona virus.A total of 350 questionnaires were distributed using the convenient sampling method, and a total of 314 questionnaires were selected as the final valid sample, excluding 36 insincere responses such as non-response and lump sum responses. Data processing is based on SPSS 21.0 ver. was used, and frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were performed. As a result of the analysis, first, the service scape of the professional volleyball stadium was found to have a significant effect on the perceived value. Second, the service scape of the professional volleyball stadium was found to have a significant effect on the viewing satisfaction. Third, the service scape of the professional volleyball stadium was found to have a significant effect on the re-watching intention. Fourth, it was found that the perceived value of spectators of professional volleyball had a significant effect on spectators. Fifth, it was found that the perceived value of professional volleyball spectators had a significant effect on re-watching intention. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the perceived value of the audience through structural and facility improvement, expand convenience facilities in the stadium, and provide various and accurate information to make the audience visit the stadium again.
Analysis of Citation Patterns in Korean Kinesiology Research 국내 체육학 연구의 피인용 패턴 분석 - 학술지 중심으로
이다니엘 Danielle Lee
This article aims to analyze the general patterns of Korean kinesiology research mainly focusing on journals’ citation patterns. To that end, 17,693 articles published in 22 kinesiology related journals that have been accredited by the Korean Citation Index were collected, and the citation patterns were analyzed. Specifically, prior to the detailed analysis of citation patterns, the overall size of Korean kinesiology research in terms of the number of the published articles was analyzed. In order to properly determine the citation windows for the analysis, the ‘cited half-life’ of Korean kinesiology research was computed and as of 2018, the cited half-life was 5.1 years. Using the determined cited half-life, citing articles were collected, and the citation patterns were analyzed by the years and journals. Besides, the self-citation patterns of journals were computed. The contributions of this article are two-fold; 1) this is one of the early attempts to concentrate on citation patterns of Korean kinesiology research and 2) this study is based on representative sample of large scale (i.e. more than 17 thousand articles) to sufficiently explain the general patterns of Korean kinesiology research.
Relationship Between the Motivation, Organizational Immersion, Job satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Office workers to Participation 직장인의 스포츠 참여 동기, 조직몰입, 직무만족 및 조직헌신도 간의 관계
엄보용 Eom Bo-yong , 서일한 Seo Il-han , 김태형 Kim Tai-hyung
Relationship Between the Motivation, Organizational Immersion, Job satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Office workers to Participation 직장인의 스포츠 참여 동기, 조직몰입, 직무만족 및 조직헌신도 간의 관계
엄보용 Eom Bo-yong , 서일한 Seo Il-han , 김태형 Kim Tai-hyung
The purpose of this study was aim to identify the impact of employees' motivations for participating in sports on organizational immersion, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. To this end, a survey was conducted on employee interested in participating in sports among those working at the Seoul Transportation Corporation. 330 questionnaires were distributed, of which 312 people were finally analyzed, excluding 18 questionnaires that included duplicate entries and non-response. Frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analysis multi-linear regression analysis were conducted using the SPSS 25.0 program for the collected data. The results are as follows: First, accomplishment, health, and sociability among the employees's motivations for participating in sports have been shown to have a positive effect on organizational immersion, and pleasure has no significant effect. Second, accomplishment, health and sociability among the employees's motivations for participating in sports have been shown to have a positive effect on job satisfaction, and pleasure has no significant effect. Third, the organizational immersion of employees was shown to have a positive effect on organizational commitment. Fourth, it has been shown that job satisfaction affects organizational commitment. Finally, accomplishment, health, and sociability among the sub-factors of employees's motivation for participating in sports have been shown to have a positive effect on organizational commitment, but pleasure has no significant effect.
Key Words
스포츠 참여동기, 조직 몰입, 직무만족, 조직헌신도, Motivation, Organizational immersion, Organizational commitment, Job satisfaction
The Effect of One-Person Media Creator and Content Characteristics on Participation Satisfaction and Participation Continuation of Yoga Home Training 요가 1인 미디어 크리에이터와 콘텐츠 특성이 홈 트레이닝의 참여만족 및 참여지속에 미치는 영향
양인수 Yang In-su , 이제승 Lee Je-seung , 이태현 Lee Tae-hyun , 이성노 Lee Seong-no
The Effect of One-Person Media Creator and Content Characteristics on Participation Satisfaction and Participation Continuation of Yoga Home Training 요가 1인 미디어 크리에이터와 콘텐츠 특성이 홈 트레이닝의 참여만족 및 참여지속에 미치는 영향
양인수 Yang In-su , 이제승 Lee Je-seung , 이태현 Lee Tae-hyun , 이성노 Lee Seong-no
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of media creators and content characteristics of one yoga person on participation satisfaction and participation in-home training. It was selected as an adult woman who had an experience of using YouTube yoga solo media content. They visited a yoga center in Seoul and distributed the questionnaire, and in consideration of the pandemic situation, the survey was also conducted online. A total of 242 questionnaires were collected and the final 242 copies were used for the final analysis, excluding the insincere questionnaire. Frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were performed on the effective sample. According to the research results, first, the characteristics of creators, such as attractiveness, reliability, and interactivity, were found to have a positive effect on participation satisfaction and participation continuity. Second, it was found that there was a positive effect on content characteristics such as playfulness and usefulness, and there was no significant effect on diversity. Third, it was found that the participation satisfaction of media users who are one yoga person had a positive effect on the continuation of participation.
Key Words
1인 미디어, 요가 홈 트레이닝, 크리에이터, 콘텐츠, 참여만족, 참여지속, 1 person media, Yoga home training, Creator, Contents, Satisfaction with participation, Continued participation
Experience Analysis of Caregivers Who Participated in Job Training for a Movement Therapy Program to Enhance Professionalism 전문성 강화를 위한 움직임치료프로그램 직무교육에 참여한 요양보호사의 체험 분석
Experience Analysis of Caregivers Who Participated in Job Training for a Movement Therapy Program to Enhance Professionalism 전문성 강화를 위한 움직임치료프로그램 직무교육에 참여한 요양보호사의 체험 분석
홍미성 Hong Misung , 오은경 Oh Eun Gyeoung
The purpose of this study is to analyze the experiences of caregivers who participated in job training in a movement therapy program to strengthen professionalism. By a nomadic sampling method, 7 caregivers was selected as the study participants, among whom participated in the job training for the movement therapy program to strengthen the professionalism of caregivers conducted at S city social service center once a week for 10 weeks from April to June 2021. For data collection, observation diaries of two instructors in charge of education, interview data with caregivers, and phone call data were used. For data analysis, domain analysis and classification analysis were performed, and the results are as follows. First, ‘what the elderly care service means to life for caregivers’, was analyzed into four sub-factors: ‘the beginning of a new life’, ‘a job that makes them feel the meaning of family’, ‘job that started out for sharing, volunteering, and practice, but the reality was housekeeper?’ and ‘a field for self-actualization and self-development’. Second, as a result of analyzing ‘what changes did the study participants feel while participating in job training for a motion therapy program’, four new sub-factors, i.e. ‘participants started with doubts about effect of the motion therapy program, but by the end recognized the effect of training’, ‘more meaningful care service because we can be together.’, ‘hope to select the movement therapy field as a specialized area for caregivers’, and ‘essential education to upgrade social awareness of existing caregivers’ was driven.
Key Words
요양보호사, 직무교육, 움직임치료프로그램, 전문성 강화, 체험 분석, 인생의 의미, Nursing care worker, Job training, Movement therapy program, Professional reinforcement, Experience analysis, Meaning of life
Exploring the Context of ‘My Vulnerability’ during the Exercise on the Basis of Phenomenological Self-Study 현상학적 셀프 연구를 통한 운동 중 ‘상처 입을 가능성’의 맥락 드러내기
Exploring the Context of ‘My Vulnerability’ during the Exercise on the Basis of Phenomenological Self-Study 현상학적 셀프 연구를 통한 운동 중 ‘상처 입을 가능성’의 맥락 드러내기
이영국 Young-kuk Lee , 이승민 Seung-min Lee
The purpose of this study was to explore the Context of My Vulnerability during the Exercise on the basis of phenomenological self-study. Using the self-study methods, most of the data was collected from the reflective journals that were written about my experiences of exercising for twelve years. The data was analyzed by the Constant Comparative Method and the Process of the Intuition of Essence. The following main themes were categorized on the basis of the biopsychosocial perspective. First, “physical vulnerability caused by sport-related pain” included an unpleasant experience associated with tissue damage. Second, “psychological vulnerability caused by my mental instability” included self-punishment associated with my psychological anxiety. The last, “social vulnerability caused by seniors’ unkindness” included uneasy state of mind associated with bad relationships among members.
Key Words
현상학적 셀프 연구, 상처 입을 가능성, 운동, Phenomenological self-study, Vulnerability, Exercise
A Study on Attitudes Toward Physical Education in High School Senior According to Gender, School Type and Physical Education Grades 성별, 학교 유형, 체육 성적에 따른 고등학교 3학년의 체육교과 태도
A Study on Attitudes Toward Physical Education in High School Senior According to Gender, School Type and Physical Education Grades 성별, 학교 유형, 체육 성적에 따른 고등학교 3학년의 체육교과 태도
윤주석 Juseok Yun
This study aims to find out the attitude of high school seniors in physical education. This study surveyed 3,479 high school seniors in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. A total of 2,394 questionnaires were analyzed using IBM SPSS 25.0, excluding 135 of the 2,529 questionnaires that were considered poor or unreliable. Physical education attitude was measured using the Korean Physical Education Attitude Scale (KPEAS) developed by Kim Jong-hwan(2004). T-test and One-way anova were conducted to examine the differences between groups for attitudes toward physical education according to gender, school type, and physical education grades. The results of the study are as follows. First, the attitude of high school seniors by gender showed significant differences in physical education(t=12.930, p<.001), with male students showing higher results than female students. Second, the attitude of high school seniors according to school type also showed significant differences(F=53.288, p<.001), with men’s high schools the highest, followed by coeducational and women’s high schools. Third, there was a significant difference in the attitude toward physical education according to the perceived physical education grades(F=402.010, p<.001), and the group with excellent grades had the highest results, followed by the regular group and the poor group.
Key Words
체육교과 태도, 고등학교 3학년, 체육교과 성적, 성별, Physical education attitude, High school seniors, Physical education grades, Gender
Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Physical Exercise on Infant Development 신체운동이 유아발달에 미치는 효과에 대한 메타분석
Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Physical Exercise on Infant Development 신체운동이 유아발달에 미치는 효과에 대한 메타분석
정선희 Chung Sun-hee
The purpose of this study was to present basic data for the development and application of infant physical exercise by systematically and comprehensively analyzing the effects of physical exercise for infant development. A total of 29 studies and 48 cases that meet the selected criteria was conducted the meta-analysis based on doctoral papers published in Korea from November 1998 to July 2020. The analysis results are as follows. First, the overall effect size of physical exercise on infant development was 0.87 and it showed a large effect size based on Cohen’s effect size. Second, the effect sizes by development area were shown in the order of social development (ES(g) = 1.21), cognitive development (ES(g) = 0.86), body development (ES(g) = 0.61), and emotional development (ES(g) = 0.61). Third, the effects of each type of exercises were large in order of movement (ES(g) = 0.92) and non-movement (ES(g) = 0.83). Fourth, the longer the duration of physical exercise, the more effective the size of the effect was confirmed. The above results derived the effects of physical exercise quantitatively and provided information on the composition of various intervention programs that could be adapted to early childhood education.
The Structural Relationship between Golf Players’ Perceived No-Caddy Service Factors, Experiential Value, Customer Satisfaction and Revisit Intention 골프장 고객이 지각하는 노캐디 서비스요인, 경험가치, 고객만족 및 재방문의도 간의 구조적 관계
성경희 Seong Gyeong-hee , 한진욱 Han Jin-wook , 김동규 Kim Dong-kyu
The Structural Relationship between Golf Players’ Perceived No-Caddy Service Factors, Experiential Value, Customer Satisfaction and Revisit Intention 골프장 고객이 지각하는 노캐디 서비스요인, 경험가치, 고객만족 및 재방문의도 간의 구조적 관계
성경희 Seong Gyeong-hee , 한진욱 Han Jin-wook , 김동규 Kim Dong-kyu
The aim of this study was to examine the structural relationship between golf players’ perceived no-caddy service factors, experiential value, customer satisfaction and revisit intention. To achieve this objective, a total of 299 golf course visitors who had experienced the no-caddy service was conveniently selected and responded to the survey questionnaire. 299 usable data were utilized in the data analyses procedure. Data analyses were conducted for frequent analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and structural equation modeling with SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 23.0. The results of this study were as follows. Firstly, enjoyment, usefulness, and ease of use sub-dimensions of the no-caddy service factors had significant impacts on experiential value. Secondly, enjoyment and usefulness sub-dimensions had significant effects on customer satisfaction. Thirdly, golf players’ experiential value for no-caddy service had no significant effect on customer satisfaction. Fourthly, golf players’ experiential value for no-caddy service had a significant effect on revisit intention. Fifthly, golf players’ customer satisfaction significantly affected revisit intention. The findings of this study were able to provide golf resort managers with basic information on establishing a marketing strategy regarding no caddie service system.
Analysis of International Research Trends on Paralympics Using Knowledge Network Analysis 지식 네트워크 분석을 활용한 패럴림픽 관련 국제 연구의 동향 분석
김민창 Min-chang Kim , 홍석만 Suk-man Hong
The purpose of this study is to analyze the research about trends of international research related to Paralympic by providing information on keywords, changes in knowledge systems and knowledge structures through time series analysis using knowledge network analysis, It aims to analyze research trends in Paralympic international research using knowledge network analysis methods. To this end, 2,119 keywords of 1,019 international studies related to the Paralympics were used in the study. Knowledge network analysis was conducted using KrKwic and NetMiner to calculate the frequency of co-occurrence and connection centrality and to analyze the knowledge system. Data with less than five co-occurrences were excluded. In addition, a time-series analysis was conducted in two sections (sections 1: 2005 to 2015, sections 2: 2016 to 2020) to identify trends in the study. The analysis results are as follows. First, international research on the Paralympics conducted from 2005 to 2020 was found to be on the rise. Second, international research on the Paralympics included ‘athlete’, ‘injury’, ‘physical-impairment’, ‘performance’, ‘spinal-cord-injury’ and ‘classification’ as the main keywords, with the top six key keywords being used and the knowledge system constructed. Finally, the analysis of research trends from a time series perspective showed the same composition of the knowledge system centered on keywords ‘athlete’, ‘performance’, ‘physical-impairment’, ‘classification’, and ‘spinal-cord-injury’, but in ‘media’, ‘transport-planning’, and ‘sustainability’ keywords. but it changes in the knowledge system from ‘media’, ‘transport-planning’, and ‘sustainability’ to ‘visual-implement’, ‘social’, ‘supplement’, and ‘inclusion’.
Key Words
패럴림픽, 패럴림픽 연구, 패럴림픽 지식구조, 네트워크 분석, 연구동향 분석, Paralympic, Paralympic research, Paralympic’s knowledge structure, Network theory analysis, Research trend
Meta-analysis of the Effect of Dance Interventions on Blood Lipid in Middle-aged and Elderly Woman 무용 프로그램이 중·노년 여성의 혈중지질에 미치는 영향에 관한 메타분석
Meta-analysis of the Effect of Dance Interventions on Blood Lipid in Middle-aged and Elderly Woman 무용 프로그램이 중·노년 여성의 혈중지질에 미치는 영향에 관한 메타분석
정희정 Hee Joung Joung , 노정식 Jung Sik Roh
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of dance intervention on variables of blood lipid in middle-aged women and elderly women using the meta-analysis. 15 studies that met the inclusion criteria among the studies published in Korea from January 2000 to June 2021 by using the CMA 3.0 program. The outcome cluster included total cholesterol(TC), triglyceride(TG), high density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C), and low density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL-C). Effect size was calculated using Standardized mean difference(SMD). The results were as follow. First, the overall effect size of dance program on blood lipid was medium(0.743). Second, as a result of the sub-group analysis, it was found that LDL-C(0.897) was the largest effect, TC(0.783), HDL-C(0.704), TG(0.696). Third, as the effect size according to age, the 70s(0.91) showed the largest effect size, the 50s(0.667) and the 60s(0.607) the medium. Forth, as variables on a intervention implement, Ballet(0.928) showed the largest effect size, and Korean dance(0.715) and other dance type(0.43) a medium effect size. More than 40 to less 60 minutes per a class, three times per a week, 12-24 weeks for the duration, and over 24-35 times for the total frequency has been effective for improving blood lipids. In conclusion, this study provided evidence on the dance intervention to implement for the improvement of blood lipid in middle-aged and elderly women.
The Impacts of Social Support through Participation in Home Training Challenge on Goal Orientation and Exercise Adherence Intention 홈트 챌린지 참여자의 사회적지지가 성취목표성향 및 운동지속의도에 미치는 영향
김유식 Yu-sik Kim , 이솔잎 Sol-yeep Lee , 박세혁 Se-hyuk Park
The Impacts of Social Support through Participation in Home Training Challenge on Goal Orientation and Exercise Adherence Intention 홈트 챌린지 참여자의 사회적지지가 성취목표성향 및 운동지속의도에 미치는 영향
김유식 Yu-sik Kim , 이솔잎 Sol-yeep Lee , 박세혁 Se-hyuk Park
The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of social support through participation in home training challenge on achievement goal orientation and exercise adherence intention. The respondents of this study were home training challenge participants (n=192) living in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. The data were analyzed by frequency analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis by using SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0 programs. Findings are as follows: First, the social support of home training challenge participants had significant impact upon exercise adherence. Second, the social support of home training challenge participants had significant impact upon achievement goal orientation. Third, the achievement goal orientation of home training challenge participants had significant impact upon exercise adherence. In conclusion, it can be proposed that achievement goal orientation and social support will play a critical and positive role to increase the level of exercise adherence intention of participants in home training challenge.
Key Words
홈트레이닝, 홈트 챌린지, 온라인 사회적지지, 성취목표성향, 운동지속의도, Home training, Home training challenge, Social support, Achievement goal orientation, Exercise adherence intention
Relationship Between the Service Quality of O2O Fitness App, Perceived Value and Flow Experience: Moderating Effects of Gender O2O 기반 피트니스 앱 이용자가 지각하는 서비스 품질, 지각된 가치 및 플로우 경험 간의 관계: 성별의 조절효과
이재석 Lee Jae-suk , 이찬우 Lee Chan-woo , 김동규 Kim Dong-kyu
Relationship Between the Service Quality of O2O Fitness App, Perceived Value and Flow Experience: Moderating Effects of Gender O2O 기반 피트니스 앱 이용자가 지각하는 서비스 품질, 지각된 가치 및 플로우 경험 간의 관계: 성별의 조절효과
이재석 Lee Jae-suk , 이찬우 Lee Chan-woo , 김동규 Kim Dong-kyu
The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between service quality, perceived value, and flow experiences for users of O2O-based fitness apps, and further verify the moderating effects of gender. To achieve the purpose of the study, users who have a experienced a O2O services through the fitness app were selected as the study population. Then, 236 copies of the data were collected through purposive sampling during non-probability sampling. The structural equation model verification of the collected data determines the significance between paths and verifies the moderating effect of gender. The results showed that: First, empathy and reliability among the sub-factors of service quality by O2O-based fitness app users have been shown to have a positive impact on perceived values, but tangibles, design, and information have no significant impact. Second, only empathy among the sub-factors of service quality has a positive impact on flow experience, and tangibles, design, information, and reliability have no significant impact. Third, perceived value for O2O-based fitness app has been shown to have a positive effect on the flow experience. Lastly, no exist moderating effect of gender in the relationship between service quality, perceived value, and flow experience for users of O2O-based fitness apps. As such, this research suggests effective management strategies of fitness app through O2O services.
Key Words
O2O 피트니스 앱, 서비스 품질, 지각된 가치, 플로우 경험, O2O fitness app, Service quality, Perceived value, Flow experience
Analysis of Inter-Rater Agreement of Judges in Latin American Dance Sport 댄스스포츠 라틴종목 심사위원의 수준에 따른 일치도 분석
Analysis of Inter-Rater Agreement of Judges in Latin American Dance Sport 댄스스포츠 라틴종목 심사위원의 수준에 따른 일치도 분석
김미선 Kim Misun , 이승훈 Lee Seunghun
The purpose of this study is to identify the correlation between the level of judges (ratio of players and grade of judges) in the dance sports Latin final held in Korea to derive the issue of referee confidence and suggest ways to improve judges' ability to evaluate. Based on the total number of cases of 54 amateur Latin events organized by the Korea Dance Sports Federation from 2017 to 2019, Kendall's W Consistency Coefficient was used to verify the difference in the level of the judges. The results of the study, first, showed no statistically significant difference in the examination agreement for the five events performed in the final. Second, it was found that more than 70 percent of former judges were assigned to the judges at the time of screening, and that there was a high degree of agreement when the number of judges was high. Third, all five events showed a high level of static correlation, and among them, Cha Cha-cha and Samba showed the highest correlation between the review agreement. In conclusion, competitive competition in the skating system method consisting of relative evaluations may affect the evaluation of the entire event, and regardless of the number of competitors, the evaluation factors that the competitor judges regard as significant in the finals are likely to be similar. Therefore, it is urgent to develop educational programs that can conduct screening through the same evaluation factors to reduce the gap between the reviewers.
Seoul·Pyongyang Co-host Olympics and the Role of Sports Journalism 서울·평양 공동 올림픽과 스포츠 저널리즘의 역할
조지현 Cho Ji Hyun , 유상건 Yoo Sang Keon , 김동학 Kim Dong Hak
The purpose of this research was to analyze the role of sports journalism in Seoul and Pyeongyang co-hosting the Olympic Games. This research was done qualitatively as sports journalists, broadcast reporters and television producers were interviewed in depth in order to investigate the preception and awareness of co-hosting the Olympic Games among the media personnel. First of all, the results regarding ‘the perception among the South Korean sports journalists concerning the South and the North Korea co-hosting the Olympic Games’ were as following: 1) positive opinions in regard to the co-hosting are being shown in political, social and economical aspects. 2) showing the harmony between the South and the North with the case of a unified team in the past, the effects of co-hosting the Olympic Games are being viewed very positively. 3) could be an opportunity to experience the ever-changing atmosphere of North Korea, and it is also being anticipated that the co-hosting would bring peace mood to the Korean peninsula. Secondly, researching the ‘decision making process in the editorial department (or the newsroom) regarding reporting of co-hosting the Olympic Games’ yielded the following responses: 1) along the decision making process within the editorial department, the tone is set so the reporters can actively prepare and use their discretion to plan and develop a program without any negative perception. 2) the agenda setting in regards to the co-hosting has become independent of any political views, and suggested the ways to improve the elite athlete development system both in the South and North Korea as well. 3) the role of journalist which could satisfy the curiosity about the athletics in North Korea was suggested during the agenda setting process, as well as the importance of taking more objective views in reporting.
Key Words
남북올림픽, 메가 스포츠이벤트, 저널리즘, 한반도, North and South Korea Olympics, Mega sports event, Journalism, Korean Peninsula
An Ethnographic Study on the Teaching Experience of Students Majoring in New Sports in the University of Physical Education 체육대학 뉴스포츠 전공 학생 지도 경험에 관한 문화기술적 연구
김동환 Kim Dong Whan , 조지현 Cho Ji Hyun , 김동학 Kim¸ Dong Hak
An Ethnographic Study on the Teaching Experience of Students Majoring in New Sports in the University of Physical Education 체육대학 뉴스포츠 전공 학생 지도 경험에 관한 문화기술적 연구
김동환 Kim Dong Whan , 조지현 Cho Ji Hyun , 김동학 Kim¸ Dong Hak
The study aims to understand and clarify the meaning of sports cultural formation in the new major through new sports major teaching experience that is newly operated in the University of Physical Education, which teaches the discipline of physical education. For this purpose, 10 research participants were selected as an ethnographic research method, and 30 interviews and 20 reflection journals were analyzed using the direct experience method. As a result of the study, the theme of ‘New Sports New Culture: Smaller ships get bigger and bigger as they sail together’ was established. First, ‘Understanding of new sports major culture: A small ship in chaos’. Second, ‘New sports major cultural conflict: A growing ship’. Third, ‘The educational value of new sports major: A giant new ship enjoying the festival’. Fourth, ‘The role and future of new sports major: A new ship expanding the course’. Fifth, ‘Finding new sports major identity: One new ship called new sports’. Sixth, the process of cultural formation was explained in terms of ‘the captain’s teaching method’. Lastly, the students’ willingness to improve the poor environment on their own and the formation of a strong rapport between colleagues contributed to creating a small culture of the new sports major.
Key Words
뉴스포츠 전공, 체육대학, 문화기술지, 문화형성, 경험, Newsports major, College of physical education, Ethnography, Culture formation, Experience
A Case Study on Process Experience of Golf Liberal arts subject in University 대학 교양체육수업 골프 참여자의 경험 과정
A Case Study on Process Experience of Golf Liberal arts subject in University 대학 교양체육수업 골프 참여자의 경험 과정
김세환 Kim Se-hwan
The purpose of this study is to understand into the meaning of experience of participants in Golf general physical education classes and its value. For this purpose, 10 students who attended Golf classes at D University were selected as study participants based on Purposeful Sampling. The results of data analysis according to the method suggested by Yin(2003) by collecting data through focus group interview, observations and reports are as follows. First ‘Feel the hierarchy’, including ‘Start the sport of envy’ and ‘Deal with the feeling atrophy’ were derived. Second the aspects of ‘Meet a change of choice’ including ‘Choice for swing’ and ‘Expansion of time and space for golf’ were revealed. Last ‘Fluctuating swing’ and ‘Delight of precise impact’ including ‘Unforgettable good shot’ were confirmed. These findings are useful for developing programs, systems and teaching methods to improve the educational significance and implications in the general physical education through the empirical process of participants in Golf general physical education classes.
Key Words
대학, 교양체육수업, 골프, 경험, 과정, 사례 연구, University, General physical education, Golf, Experience, Process, Case study
The Ancient Future of Physical Education Class: The Achievements of Physical Education Class admist COVID19 and the Other Side 체육수업의 오래된 미래: 코로나19 속 체육수업의 성과와 그 이면
The Ancient Future of Physical Education Class: The Achievements of Physical Education Class admist COVID19 and the Other Side 체육수업의 오래된 미래: 코로나19 속 체육수업의 성과와 그 이면
오승현 Oh Seung Hyeon
The purpose of this study is to identify the performance and limitations of physical education classes amid COVID19, and to check the tasks of physical education classes. COVID19 gave physical education classes a task called non-face-to-face classes. COVID19 required a complete revision of the existing teaching method even in face-to-face classes. This study examines the response, performance, and limitations of school physical education in this regard. For this purpose, a qualitative study such as in-depth interviews and open-ended questionnaires was conducted targeting students and PE teachers. The results were shown as practical reinforcement of health education, recognition of the importance of physical exercise and promotion, and diversification of class topics. The limitations are the polarization of physical activity in the physical education class, the bias towards individual-centered activity classes, the marginalization of ball games, and the weakeness of the physical education class function as a core of physical activity in the school. The discussion dealt with the physical education class, which is a production factory for the collective emotions of the class, and the physical education class, which makes the morality of the community accepted. In addition, it was suggested that the analysis of the moral education performance of physical education classes after COVID19, the search for a method of physical education that enables moral education, and the development of physical education classes centered on team sports should be conducted.
Key Words
전통적 체육수업, 건강교육, 단체 종목, 집합 감정, 도덕성 발달, Traditional physical education class, Health education, Team sports, Collective emotion, Moral development
Development and Validation of Coach’s Coaching Method Scale Perceived by Golf Athlete 골프 선수가 지각한 지도자의 코칭방법 척도 개발 및 타당도 검증
Development and Validation of Coach’s Coaching Method Scale Perceived by Golf Athlete 골프 선수가 지각한 지도자의 코칭방법 척도 개발 및 타당도 검증
하정훈 Ha Jung-hoon , 최관용 Choi Kwan-yong
This study presented to develop coaching method for golf coaches scale and to verify its validity. To reach this goal, open-ended questionnaires is required to search components of coaching method. Scale development and validity were verified by exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and one-way ANOVA verification which are based on preliminary survey and this survey. Conducted analysis presents below. First of all, components of coach’s coaching method were positive expression, negative expression, athlete management, athlete support and technical description. Secondly, factors of golf coach’s coaching method consisted of 5 factors and 24 questions(7 questions of positive expression, 3 questions of negative expression, 4 questions of athlete management, 5 questions of athlete support and 5 questions of technical description), and all the goodness-of-fit(SRMR, CFI, TLI, RMSEA) met the optimum criteria. Finally, golf coach’s coaching method scale was verified validity because it presented a significant difference by demographic characteristics.
Key Words
골프, 코칭방법, 척도 개발, 타당도 검증, Golf, Coaching method, Scale development, Validation of scale
A Study on the Exploration about the Necessity of Establishing Governance Between Korea Sports Promotion Foundation and Private Health Insurance Companies - Focusing on National Fitness Award 100 국민체육진흥공단과 보험사의 거버넌스 필요성 탐색 - 국민체력 100사업을 중심으로
이완영 Lee Wanyoung , 김진수 Kim Jinsoo , 신상현 Shin Sanghyun
A Study on the Exploration about the Necessity of Establishing Governance Between Korea Sports Promotion Foundation and Private Health Insurance Companies - Focusing on National Fitness Award 100 국민체육진흥공단과 보험사의 거버넌스 필요성 탐색 - 국민체력 100사업을 중심으로
이완영 Lee Wanyoung , 김진수 Kim Jinsoo , 신상현 Shin Sanghyun
The purpose of this study was to identify the necessity for both parties, the National Fitness Award 100 of National Korea Sports Promotion Foundation and private health insurance companies, to establish a collaborative system as well as the elements to consider. For this, in-depth interviews were conducted by selecting 7 interested parties and the derived conclusion is as follows. First, the key issue of the National Fitness Award 100 of the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation is related to the difficulty of expanding the number of participants. To this end, it is necessary to collaborate with private health insurance companies and especially, customized collaborative strategies should be provided for each organization in the insurance companies by focusing on optimizing the profit enhancement of the private health insurance companies. Second, private health insurance companies should reasonably sort out healthy primary subscribers and induce them to take out insurance to cut down on the loss ratio, and efforts should be made to recommend healthy people to take out insurance and mange the loss ratio through health management after concluding the contract. To achieve this goal, the collaboration of the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation is required and collaboration is considered appropriate because the health related data by the Korea Sports Promotion Foundation about different social classes in the nation can be used as evidential data to attract insurance subscribers and set up reasonable insurance fees and manage the loss ratio.
Key Words
국민체육진흥공단, 민간보험사, 협력, 거버넌스, Korea Sports Promotion Foundation, Private Health Insurance Company, Collaboration, Governance
Development of Relationship Quality Scale: Focusing on Instructors and Student of Youth Sports Clubs 관계의 질 척도 개발: 유소년 스포츠클럽의 강사와 학생을 중심으로
Development of Relationship Quality Scale: Focusing on Instructors and Student of Youth Sports Clubs 관계의 질 척도 개발: 유소년 스포츠클럽의 강사와 학생을 중심으로
장현길 Jang Hyeon-gil
The purpose of this study was to develop a new scale for relationship quality in youth sports centers by analyzing the scales of relationship quality used in various fields. To achieve the purpose of the study, a survey was conducted by visiting the Youth Sports Center from January 15, 2020 to February 15, 2020. A total of 309 were used for data analysis. Frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis were performed for the results. Results of this study were as follows: Sub-factors of relationship quality were classified in to intimacy, communication, trust, commitment, interdependence, dependence, internal conflict, and external conflict. Intimacy was derived from the questions of 'degree of closeness', 'kindness', and 'importance of close relationship'. Communication was derived from 'observation and reaction', 'listening', and 'understanding behavior' items. Trust was derived from ‘honesty’, ‘promise’, and ‘trust’ items. Devotion was derived from the questions of 'warmth', 'good class atmosphere', and 'good guidance'. Interdependence was derived from ‘harmony’, ‘emotion sharing’, and ‘same space’ items. Dependency was derived from 'attention', 'help request', and 'dependence' items. Internal conflicts were derived from the questions of 'angry', 'don't like', and 'difficulty in conversation'. External conflicts were derived from the questions of ‘deprivation of exercise opportunities’, ‘getting angry’, and ‘punishment’.
Key Words
관계의 질, 척도 개발, 타당성, 강사와 학생, 유소년 스포츠클럽, Relationship quality, Scale development, Relevance, Instructors and students, Youth sports clubs